Camel Milk in the Treatment of Diabetes by Dr. Millie Hinkle
I receive so many calls from diabetics wanting to try the camel milk. They always want to know how to take it and the dosage. Many of those same individuals when contacted for a follow-up one to three months later are no longer drinking the milk. The reasons: too expensive (diabetics need a lot of the milk in many cases), don’t like the taste, don’t like having to drink so much milk to get their glucose levels down. They just get tired of drinking the milk. In my office it is another story. The reason being that each patient is tested for the needed dosage, but most importantly they are tested for other supplements that help reduce glucose levels further, therefore requiring them to drink less of the milk to keep their glucose levels in check.
New studies show exactly what I have known for the past 25 years and that is the fact that there is an environmental factor in Type I and Type II diabetes. I have seen over and over diabetics with heavy metal overload and with elevated pesticide levels. Many children who come into the office with diabetes show elevated levels of heavy metals, and parents can remember that the diabetes diagnosis was given shortly after a child had a vaccine, or that the parent had their house treated for termites, etc., or that the child had dental work done and silver (amalgam) fillings put in their teeth. In my office each patient is tested for heavy metals, pesticide residue, chemicals, drugs, environmental toxins, as well as viruses, bacteria and fungal overload. In 100% of the cases there is a toxic overload of some type, and usually one that shows up on the pancreas and liver meridians with testing. Once these issues are resolved the patient always does better and requires less of the milk to maintain proper glucose levels.
I have also received calls from individuals who have tried the milk and their glucose levels have actually gone up!!!!! When speaking with these individuals and asking questions, I am able to determine that several things are responsible: they are actually allergic to the milk, in fact all milk, or that they are not taking the specific supplements needed to help reduce the glucose levels, or that they are taking or doing something that is elevating the glucose levels. For instance, one man was taking a supplement that was high in iron and the camel milk is high in iron, therefore his iron level was high and putting more stress on his body. It is always better to do a consultation if there is a question, and every diabetic should get a heavy metal analysis done with a doctor who knows the correct procedure, such as a doctor who is a member of ACAM in their area.